Monday, June 22, 2009


Things are coming along well. Tim is drawing up a logo for Charred Bones. Finished making a new batch of Plague tapes today. Getting ready for the next few releases. Those being the Nuclear Decay tape. As well as a Dawn of Humans and Rotundus tape. Need to collect more of the tracks for the Ear Pollution comp soon as well. Hopefully Dano, Tim, and I can get our shit together soon and start screening patches. Need to probably get a job to afford runing this label if I want it to be how I would like it to be. Kind of bummed about that since I am not a big fan of having a job. perhaps I can find something that fits my lifestyle. Who knows. Also A//E Fest is this weekend. Everyone should go. Also, I believe I am putting out the Ratss demo tape. that's all for now.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Document 1

Things are starting to come together. Booking the Plague tour. Making pins. Going to start making patches soon. Nuclear Decay tape going to be out soon. As well as hopefully that new Plague split. Good things are happening.